SaasWisdom story so far and the new identity!

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Hi, I am Zubair, co-founder of SaasWisdom. SaasWisdom has been in existence since 2019. It is intended to cater to the SaaS industry (ofcourse). A lot of thought process has gone into finalizing what SaaS Wisdom wants to be.  I had even explored umpteen options before finalizing the domain. You can see my excel screenshot below and the process that went down for choosing the domain name. The ones in yellow were shortlisted. (Go ahead, and check if any of those other domains are still available if want to book 😋)


Our Initial Story

I’ll be honest, When it was booked, I had envisioned it in a different way. The idea at the beginning was to have a beautifully designed website (in a similar UI as focused on ‘Quotes’ from SaaS world leaders & influencers (Just like

Which I think was a good idea at least to start with, but at that time my priority was my full-time commitment to, and I was really occupied there. As time went by other ideas also were crossing my mind which could bring good potential to SaaS Wisdom. But all in all, I was not paying attention to it. 

One fine day, I was on my GoDaddy dashboard, and I saw that this domain was worth around $1,200, and I was like wow that’s a good price. So I thought, anyways I was not making any use of the domain and not finding any time and motivation to work on this initiative, might as well reap the benefits by selling the domain. 

So I listed the domain for sale on Flippa literally at a discounted price

During this time, my friend Noman (who is now my co-founder in SaaS Wisdom) met me and got to know about this step. His stance was, I should not sell it because the Domain was worth more than money, and could be utilized for much more. When I gave it thought, I found his words valuable and canceled the idea of selling it off.

The time flew by again and more ideas with it too, but the needle didn’t move much. 

Sometime during last year, I tried to work on the initiative more seriously with constant motivation from Noman. At that time the idea of SaaS Wisdom was very open and we were exploring a few directions, as mentioned below:

  1. Tips and hacks for SaaS companies/ businesses
  2. Useful knowledge about and for SaaS companies/ Enthusiasts
  3. Research and data portal for SaaS companies/ Researchers (which can be heavily monetized later (by venturing into ‘Data as a service, refer to
  4. ‘Content as a service platform for SaaS companies
  5. Just a beautifully designed website (in a similar UI as focused on ‘Quotes’ from SaaS world leaders & influencers (Just like 
  6. The social network of SaaS enthusiasts, employees, founders, etc. (Which can be then diversified similar to, and can be monetized by providing premium service, job search service, etc. Huge opportunity in my opinion)

With some thoughts in mind, I put up a landing page using WordPress, set up Mailchimp, and set up Social Media channels, especially Instagram and Twitter 


I started putting out tweets and some memes intermittently. Got some traction on social. 

A mention in the tweet by SaaS Capo helped a lot on Twitter to get eyeballs 

Upgrading to Co-Founder from the Founder

Things were moving slowly, and then Noman decided to officially jump in as a co-founder. I was more than happy as he has been a strong motivator for this project.

So after a lot of brainstorming and discussions. We decided on a direction to take and a strategy to opt for.

One of the first things we focused on, was increasing our Twitter activity. And then my favorite, The Branding.

The backstory of Re-Branding

I am a design enthusiast and I love to design Logos. In fact, I had started exploring ideas for the Saas Wisdom Logo way back it was started. I had attempted many versions but couldn’t settle on anything. 

But because some symbol was needed as an Identity in the very beginning, I had settled for just the initials SW

Once Noman got on-boarded, and as the direction was also looking concrete, we decided to give SaaS Wisdom a proper new identity. But this time we were more mature and knew that we don’t want to spend a lot of time deciding on the logo. We wanted a good enough one.

I spent some time, experimenting with a few ideas, as shown below

And the winner was the current identity as you can see on our website. And as seen below:

What does our new identity reflect?

The symbol represents two things, a Shuriken and also a Windmill wings

Both of these symbols have their own unique meanings

The Shuriken: It’s Japanese weapon used by Samurais/ Ninjas

Shuriken. (2022, September 24). In Wikipedia.\

The aim of SaaS Wisdom is to create SaaS Ninjas and equip them with shurikens to conquer the quest that they have started, which is to build a successful SaaS business 

Windmill: The logo symbol, represents the wings of a windmill

Windmill. (2022, October 17). In Wikipedia.

SaaS Wisdom aims to be the source of knowledge and motivation for aspiring bootstrappers and Indiehackers.


Next what?

We are gearing up for an interesting journey ahead, and new announcements would be made really soon. 

Psst, If you happen to have developer/ programmer friends, do share our Website with them, they may thank you later

Go check out our Homepage

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Barsha Kar

    Awesome story. Would love to stay connected! The logo concept was especially so interesting. SaaS Wisdom for SaaS Samurais. 😃

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