How To Do a Product Hunt Launch? – A Short Checklist

What Is Product Hunt?

Product Hunt is a place that helps people discover new products. It is where people can share their favorite products and vote for the best ones. A great resource for finding new products and staying up-to-date on the latest SaaS Products.

Product Hunt has a curated list of new products submitted by developers and startups. They also have a community of users who discuss and vote on the products.

How To Do A Product Hunt Launch?

If you’re looking to launch your product on Product Hunt, there are a few things you’ll need to do to have a successful launch. First, you’ll need to create a profile and fill out all of the necessary information. 

Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to strategize and select a date for your launch. It’s important to pick a date that’s not too close to any major holidays or other big events, as that could impact the amount of traffic your product gets.

Once you’ve picked a date, you’ll need to start promoting your product. You can do this through social media, email marketing, or even by reaching out to influencers in your industry. The more people you can get to try out your product and leave positive reviews, the better.

On the day of your launch, make sure to post about your product on all of your social media channels and encourage your followers to check it out. You should also post a link to your product on the Product Hunt site itself. And finally, don’t forget to follow up with everyone who’s tried out your product to get feedback and see if they have any suggestions for improvements.

Here Is A Quick Product Hunt Launch Checklist:

  •  Is your product ready?
  •  Is your landing page copy conversion oriented and tested?
  •  Do you have a custom offer for the launch date?
  •  Have you built an email list?
  •  Did you make a list of all your friends and colleagues who could help you in spreading the word about the launch?
  •  Are you ready with the email campaign for the launch?
  •  Are you connected with product hunters? (people with a lot of following on product hunt)
  •  Is the social media copy for promotion ready?
  •  Did you make a list of the most engaged prospects on social media?
  •  Have you set up your about page and story of your product?
  •  Do you have a product description video ready? 
  •  Do you have help articles in place to answer the support questions? 

What else would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments

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